@ConnectColorado on Twitter is initiating a new Twitter event called Our Hope For Colorado Day, which will take place on Tuesday, May 3, 2011. The purpose of the event is to get Coloradan's thinking and tweeting about how we want our state to be in the future, and what we will each do to make it happen.
On May 3, use the #OurHope4CO hashtag to tweet your hope and your intended actions. Write about it in your blogs, in articles, on your websites. Make a Youtube video about your hope. Write a song. Tweet it on that day, with the hashtag.
Every person, business and charity in our state has some kind of hope they want to see realized. Tweet about it and find others who share your vision. Let's get #OurHope4CO to trend on Twitter that day. Let's bring our hopes to the attention of our leaders.
This is an "all-in" event. You can do a lot with #OurHope4CO day, whether you are an individual, business or organization:
If you are a company on Twitter based in Colorado, you can even run your own contests on that day, based on the number of people who tweet using the hashtag. If you want to do that, contact me with a DM just so I am aware of it and can help promote it. I do not have the ability to run contests but you are welcome to do so if you have the ability. Companies obviously also have their own hopes for Colorado and I encourage you to tweet about them, too.
If you are a Colorado nonprofit organization, use #OurHope4CO day to envision a Colorado where your mission has been accomplished. Write a blog post or do a video. Tell people what you need from them to realize the dream. Tell people what you are doing now. Ask for support.
If you are an individual, tweet your hopes as well and you will be able to find other people who share your vision. Tweet hopes for our children, yourself, or any issue that is near and dear to your heart.
About politics: If you intend to tweet about political issues for #OurHope4CO day, all I ask is that you keep it really positive. I don't tweet about politics because there are so many other outlets for that, and because it has become so extremely divided and negative.
So, @ConnectColorado followers, start thinking about your hopes and dreams for our beautiful state and be ready to tweet about it on May 3!
Great Idea~! - ABP Copy