Thursday, December 16, 2010

Give Twice for Christmas Colorado!

You can give twice this Christmas! The following is a list of ways to give back this Christmas in Colorado.

If you have something to add to this blog, DM me @ConnectColorado (you must be following me to DM me!) I will be updating as time goes on and tweeting it, too!

Photo by: John Lovekin @SanJuanJon

Volunteer and Donation Opportunities for Christmas:


Christmas for needy children: The Bob Telmosse Christmas Giveaway, 7 a.m.- 2 p.m. Mon. Dec. 20. Set up is this weekend at 117 W. Vermijo.
You can volunteer or donate toys and food.
Twitter: @toysandturkeys

Colorado Springs Indy Give – Donations, Volunteers, Giving Stuff!
Give! is the Colorado Springs Independent's year-end multimedia and guerilla marketing campaign designed to generate funds, volunteers and applause for the important work local nonprofits perform.
Twitter @indygive


Care 4 Colorado Toy Drive for the Boys & Girls Clubs!
CBS4 in Denver is collecting toys at area King Soopers to benefit children at Boys & Girls Clubs in metro Denver.
Twitter: @cbs4denver and @BGCMetroDenver
Bonfils Blood Center Gift wrapping fundraiser: 12/18 and 19.
On Twitter: @bonfilsdotorg

Denver Urban Gardens – Adorable notecards as gifts (order online)
Denver Urban Gardens has garden-themed notecards designed by student community gardeners at Fairview Elementary. All proceeds go to Denver Urban Gardens Programs:
Twitter: @DUGtweet

Metro Volunteers – Holiday Volunteer Guide
Metro Volunteers produces a Holiday Volunteer Guide which is available on their website at They tell me that many of these volunteer opportunities around the holidays do fill up quickly but they wanted me to convey to you that they don’t want you to get discouraged. There are many ways to volunteer during the holidays such as finding something in you neighborhood to do. Park clean-up, snow shoveling for a neighbor, bringing a plate of cookies to someone homebound are all great ideas. Watch their website for year round opportunities.
Twitter: @MetroVolunteers


Christmas for @Turning_Point kids
Holiday parties for children served by Turning Point, a residential treatment center for kids 11 – 17 years old. Parties to be held Saturday, Dec. 18. The first is at the boys house from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., located at 801 South Shields (across from Moby Gym), Ft. Collins. There are usually 25-30 boys. The second party the same day is at the Girl’s House from 1:00p.m. to 3:00p.m., located at 614 South Matthews St., Ft. Collins, CO. There are usually 16-20 girls. They also need help earlier that morning and/or the night before loading cars to help bring everything to the parties in Ft. Collins from a farm. Contact: Lisa Hatcher
(970) 686-7577.


Calendar Fundraiser: XXYY Project
Buy a 2011 calendar celebrating the lives of boys and men with XXYY Syndrome!
Twitter: @XXYYProject

Buy gifts, give back to charity

The following companies give a portion of their sales back to charity. Buy your gifts at their stores and give twice!

Monkey Hugz – Golden, CO
Their baby registry allows you to donate 5% of the sales it generated to the non-profit of your choice. They also have a new promotion which will give 5% to a charity:
Twitter: @MonkeyHugz

Project Sunshine (buy online)
Is donating Lia Sophia sales and Jewelry to the Rape Assistance and Awareness Program (RAAP) @
RAAPDenver through January 31, 2011
Twitter: @ProjectSunshine303

Idea from ConnectColorado: If you have Kohl's cash sitting around, use it to buy some toys for children in need.

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