Friday, December 30, 2011

Giving to Charity: A Gift to Yourself

In this last couple of days of 2011, take a few minutes to reflect back on the year and ask yourself: Did I receive a gift from a charity this year? And...did I give back to that charity?

Sometimes people don't realize that they have benefitted from the work of a nonprofit organization. When we give to charity, we often think of it as giving to others. But you have most likely received a gift from charity some time this year. You have benefitted from charity if:

  • Your parents, grandparents or other family members have received services from a hospice when they were at the end of their life.

  • An environmental hazard was threatening your community and it was stopped or cleaned up.

  • Your child was in the hospital.

  • You used data from a research study to write a paper or proposal.

  • Anyone in your family has a disability or mental health issues.

  • You learned about an important social or community problem.

  • You, your neighbor, or someone in your family received foreclosure prevention counseling.

  • You visted a museum, gallery or went to a music, dance or theatre performance.

  • You enjoyed a day at a wildlife refuge or even a national park.

  • You adopted a new family pet.

  • You gave or received blood.

  • Anyone you know has been a victim of crime or domestic violence.

  • You bought anything at a thrift store.

  • The legislature received testimony about an issue that impacts your life.

  • You love to watch NOVA, Nature or Colorado State of Mind or Sesame Street on TV

  • A senior citizen in your family received a meal at home, goes to a day program or many other things.

  • A struggling child you know received tutoring.

  • Someone you know received food from a food bank, or utility assistance.

Obviously, this isn't everything. There are thousands of causes. What is most important is that you understand that we are all impacted by the work of charities every single day. When we give to charity, we are giving back what we have used, in addition to helping others.

Remember the charities that helped you this year and give what you can. Charities are grateful for every single dollar they receive, so don't worry if you can't give a lot.

Happy New Year!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Colorado Still Believes in Santa

Dear Colorado:

I still believe - do you?

Colorado is a generous community of people, as proven by your incredible donations on Colorado Gives Day, Indygive and Season to Share. Not to mention all of your other donations and volunteerism that is evident on Twitter every day.

I still believe that people are basically good. And if people are not showing that goodness, at minimum they still want to be good - and we can help them get there. I believe that Coloradans care about protecting our beautiful lands. I believe that we can still lift people out of bad circumstances if we work together. I believe Colorado is a rather magical place, filled with so many different kinds of people who know how to "rally."

I believe in you, Santa Colorado. And if we continue to believe together, then 2012 will be a great year.

Wishing you the happiest of holidays filled with prosperity, friends and family.

Renee @ConnectColorado