Dear Colorado Followers of @ConnectColorado,
On December 6, 2011, Colorado has an opportunity to GIVE BIG to support local charities through the second annual Colorado Gives Day.
Colorado Gives Day is a project by the Community First Foundation. Last year, Colorado Gives Day raised $8.7 Million for Colorado charities! Let's see if we can beat that this year!
On December 6, Go to the Colorado Gives Day website and search for your favorite charites. You can donate to several charities all at once. Your donations are multiplied by some matching funds from local businesses. This year, they have even added a fantastic incentive called Bonus Bucks. "Bonus Bucks are prizes in the amount of $1,000 each. At least once per hour on Colorado Gives Day a donor will be randomly chosen, and the nonprofit associated with the donation will receive the cash prize!"
Twitter is an extremely valuable vehicle for promoting Colorado Gives Day. And that is where you come in. I know that my followers on @ConnectColorado are very interested in supporting charities. So would you please help me out and watch for my tweets concerning #COGivesDay and be sure to RT them so that we reach thousands of Coloradans?
December 6 on @ConnectColorado will be devoted to #COGivesDay. I hope you will participate in all the excitement and tweet with me. My tweets will be excessive on that day and I hope that you will understand.
No matter what you can afford to give to your favorite charities on Colorado Gives Day, your donation will have a significant impact. Being involved in promoting the event and sharing stories about your own favorite charities that are participating will also be very helpful. Be sure to use the #COGivesDay hashtag!Thanks everyone!