Thursday, June 23, 2011

Wanted: News About YOU

Dear @ConnectColorado Followers:

If you read my tweets fairly often, you may have noticed a theme. I like to tweet about the "good life" in Colorado. (And will also pitch in when there is a disaster like the fires).

There is so much bad news that we are bombarded with every day. Instead, I am working to build a Colorado community of people and organizations that inspire one another.

So, I am inviting you great followers to send me tweets about you that I can retweet. Tell me about something you have done or you are doing like:

  • Did you climb a 14er recently?

  • Did you volunteer at a local nonprofit?

  • Are you doing a project for school kids?

  • Did you build a community garden?

  • Do you need support for a walk or bike-a-thon you are doing for charity?

  • Is your company doing something for charity? For example, @friskboutique recently did a diaper drive for Denver Urban Ministries.

  • Are you organizing a tweet-up or flash mob?

  • Are you trying to help an elderly neighbor to fix their house? Do you need help with that?

You get the idea, I'm sure!

People ask me all the time to retweet business-type tweets. I really like to help my followers, but straight up business promotion is not the purpose of @ConnectColorado. However, I am happy to help if your tweet has some kind of community support aspect to it. For example, if your company is cleaning up Colfax Avenue, let me know about it!

A special note to Colorado nonprofits: Whether you realize this or not, I already follow your tweets VERY closely. If you are following me, I watch your tweets to find things to retweet. If you are not following me, I don't retweet you! (And you probably aren't reading this anyway if you aren't following me!). But, I will ALWAYS retweet things that you need to have retweeted. If I have missed an important tweet, make sure you let me know.

I just wanted followers to know what I want to retweet. If you have retweeted me in the past, I put you on my Colorado Interacters lists, and I look at those lists to find great news about you that I can retweet. But again, if I missed something important, please let me know!

Thanks! Send me your tweets @ConnectColorado - not DM's. Be sure to include LINKS if it is something that people need more information about or if donations are involved! Give me all the info people want to know.

Happy tweeting Colorado!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Colorado Twitter Users Give Thumbs Up to Local Charities

Followers of @ConnectColorado recently gave testimonials about their favorite Colorado charities. The purpose of gathering this information is to help others to find reasons to support local charities, through the experiences of others. Here's what they had to say:

Follower @futurismguy recommends The Gathering Place (@TGPDenver ). He says he supports them because "1. They do a great job by all accounts. 2. They have the Enterprise Zone tax credit. 3. I've noticed that politically conservative men often have a distaste for helping women in need. This disgusts me and makes me want to do the opposite."

Follower @2whlfun recommends Trips for Kids Denver/Boulder (@Tfkdenver ) because TFK connects over 1,000 underserved youngsters to cycling and the great outdoors each year.

Follower @indygive recommends Citizens Project (@citizensproject) because, "They work toward equality in the city of Colorado Springs and educating the public on why it's important."

An employee of Imagine! (@ImagineCOinfo) in Lafayette recommends the organization in saying "I've worked at Imagine! for 28 years and have seen first hand the impact that Imagine!'s services have had on people with developmental disabilities to support them to be successful citizens. There are thousands of good organizations in Colorado however, and I cheerfully support others too."

Follower @jhamps recommends Boulder County CareConnect (@CareConnectboco). She says, "CareConnect is a life-line for older adults and adults with disabilities in Boulder County. Many clients do not have loved ones nearby to help with everyday tasks that most of us take for granted. By providing volunteers to deliver groceries, drive clients to medical appointments and perform minor home repairs CareConnect allows members of our community the opportunity to remain independent and in their own homes for as long as possible."

Follower @alainagreen24 recommends Jewish Family Services (@JFS_Colo)
She says, "I'm biased because I work there, but it is a great organization because it helps more than 23,000 people each year from all faiths, incomes, races, etc. at difficult times in their lives!"

Follower @FireBug501 recommends Women's Resource Center in Larimer County (@WRC4Larimer) , "Because of the impact they have on their community, helping women pay for early detection of breast and cervical cancers."

Follower @Cactus_Mike recommends Big City Mountaineers (@bigcitymtneers) saying, "Having volunteered with BCM, I have had the joy of witnessing the transformative power of nature on the lives of young adults. This is a fantastic organization that enriches lives, broadens horizons and instills critical life skills."

Follower @lauralje recommends Mission of Mercy (@onechildmatters). She says, "Because their works makes a drastic difference in the lives of children."

Follower @clkinkel recommends Denver Hospice (@DenverHospice). "I respect and admire the mission of the Denver Hospice to provide comfort, compassion, and expertise to not only patients in their care but their families and community as well. I believe the Hospice embodies a philosophy of living and embracing each day we are given."

Follower @WestCOCongress recommends the Gill Foundation (@Gillfoundation) because of their "commitment to building progressive infrastructure, appreciation for diversity, and stewardship of community."

Follower @cpat71 recommends Water for People (@waterforpeople). "They help communities in developing countries to build and maintain infrastructure for clean, safe drinking water and sanitation. A huge need, which has far-reaching effects on improving every aspect of life."

Follower @lindseykatapski recommends Center for Native Ecosystems (@NativeEco) because, "They do a fantastic job of connecting, protecting, and restoring wildlife and wild lands in the Southern Rockies!"

Follower @daviescreative recommends Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep (@nilmdtsHQ). He says, "They provide an amazingly important service completely free, and all of the service providers (I'm one) donate their time and expenses."

An anonymous person recommends Operation Homefront of Colorado (@OHColorado) because, "It supports our Military!"

Follower @AlphaOmegaAcct recommends Lights for Life (@LightsforLife ) She says, "They recycle Christmas lights to support kids with cancer - I cant think of a better use for Christmas."

Follower @flatlanderesque volunteers for and recommends Metro Denver Partners (@DenverPartners).

Follower @CBix4 recommends OpenWorld Learning (@OpenWorld_Learn). He says, "It is the best after-school program in DPS. They focus on a whole-child approach using technology as a tool to get kids excited about learning."

Follower @eedesign recommends Womens Bean Project (@womensbean ). She says, "Women's Bean Project teaches skills to break the cycle of poverty. Bean mixes are DELICIOUS! For 15+ years we've enjoyed those mixes!"

Follower @dana_rinder recommends Junior League of Denver (@jldenver ) because they provide great training!

Thanks to everyone who participated in the survey! Please Retweet this post and let your charities know they were highlighted!